TellaStory In Joy Light
Light + Sound
Attunement Therapy
Lemurian Crystals + Cello SOL
Quantum Holistic Healing
We invite you in to receive an abundant feeling of Peace and Well Being, with deep Relaxation & Increased Energy. Stress Relief & Increased Ability to Focus. Explore the potential reversal of Chronic Pain & Illness along with Clearing of Core Issues Causing Present Challenges.
These sessions are unique to each individual, however recipients may experience enhanced Senses – Taste, Sight, Sound, Touch & Smell. Past life recollections or future vision casting. We believe energy flows where it is needed most, it’s your journey, we are the bridge.
Redefine your Sense of Life Purpose
Chromotherapy Vibrational Attunement is a non-invasive application to the ethereal subtle body. Lights partnered with frequency attuned cello vibrations to engage in the neurowave (mind). The blending of the lights and sound creates a bridge connecting the whole-self. The conduit is the amplitude & frequency waves. Ride the wave of holistic healing for a balanced: Body. Mind & Spirit. READ MORE: Peer Review Journal Submission.

Quantum Light Services Offered
Lemurian Crystal White Light
Purify & detox
White light healing on a regular basis increases your awareness of yourself as a Light body. Enhance your sense of self in 30 minutes under the white lights. The frequency of the lights provides natural healing capacity, increasing our overall sense of wellbeing.
Utilizing this holistic alternative healing modality is an awesome way to step into your own power of awareness.

The power of vibrations: fine tune the energy surrounding your ethereal body. Intuitively applied to assist with healing & recovery post light session.
Rainbow Full Spectrum Lights

Guided Journey with deep chakra Healing
Cello Vibrational Sol Songs to reset the wheels. Reconnect the head & heart centers. We set an intent – you write the story. We will guide you there with lights & sound in a private Frequency Attunement

Frequency Artist / Cello Musician
Rebecca Bystrom
Cello has been a part of my life since teenage years. Where I studied with a private instructor & played in the UMD Orchestra, concert pit bands and various theater productions. Cello was my first true love (upon the sounds of the first note I was love struck)
Transitioning into a solo artist has been a journey of discovery. Finding synchronicity in everyday sounds and patterns. Music is relatable and applicable in everything we do.
It is with great Joy & Love; that I get to share many years of musical studies & a passion project in my lifetime. I am humbled & honored to provide a bridge of understanding for others to heal and feel the soul connection of the cello heartstrings.
Music is life.
P.L.U.R. {peace.love.unity.respect}
Belief systems and philosophies tell us that throughout our bodies there are areas where nerves, veins, and arteries are most dense. Our vital life force is more concentrated. These are chakras . There are seven major chakras beginning at the base of the spine and running to the crown of the head. In Sanskrit, chakra means wheel, and that’s exactly how these bundles function, as a wheel or disk of energy in the body.
Each wheel has its own name and color vibration, and regions of the body that they influence. Our thoughts and emotions impact the chakras and likewise a blockage in one or more can have an impact on how we feel and what we think. Music Theory and sound application can help reset each wheel house to free flow state.

Sessions are held in the Office located:
235 S Main Street // Luck WI 54853
Pop up events & Travel Session upon request
As with many of Subtle Energy Healing Therapies, the FDA states no claims can be made that any dis-ease can be cured. The information we provide on this website is for the purposes of entertainment and information only and is not given as professional medical advice. If you have a health problem, medical emergency, dial 911 or for health question, we recommend you contact your healthcare provider. The products provided by QuantumPoint.org are for decoration purposes and are not intended to cure, treat or diagnose any medical conditions.