I love fall.  The change in weather, cooling down of the days, and the prospect of a new beginning.  When the tree’s start to turn, and the air has a crisp breeze to it.  The kids are going stir crazy from an extended summer and I’m ready to get into a new schedule.

New schedule means, change of routine.  I will admit; change is hard.  I can not fathom what teachers go thru each and every year as they prepare their classrooms for the kids.  Prepare their hearts to fill inquisitive little minds with knowledge throughout the year.  Prepare themselves for the energized kids when they arrive for their first day of school!   With this little moment of thought, I have created a little survival aid for my children’s teachers on the first day of school.BW8_0528


Back to School

These were so much fun and easy to put together.  I’m sure the teachers will appreciate it; rather than receiving ANOTHER coffee mug!  PLUS the pencil box can be re-purposed as a storage container for the remainder of the year.

  • Find a box, I purchased a pencil box in the school supply section.

  • I whipped together a quick easy document with a first aid cross and teachers name on it & a short message.  TSK- Teachers Survival Kit

  • Add candy– whatever you’d like you use– come up with some fun sayings of your own.

    Back to School Survival Kit
    Here is an example of what I used inside the box:

    Kit Kat:  Sometimes you may need a break
    TWIX:  Bomp Bomp….. chicka chicka ….. oh yeah
    100 Grand: for those moments when you feel like you just don’t make enough $
    Baby Ruth: When you feel you need to hit it out of the park (classroom)
    M&M’s:  Because they melt in your mouth, not in your hand
    Almond Joy:  Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t……
    Payday:  Wishing you a great year and that everyday feels like a payday
    HUGS & KISSES:  ——child’s name.

    Back to School Survival Kit

  • teacher care package

Here’s to another Great School Year!!  I do believe I may make a few of these for my mom friends out there who begin the hustle & bustle of chauffeuring kids to all their activities!!
