Makes Perfect Sense {How to guide}

Makes Perfect Sense….

Growing up, I learned a good smelling home is a “happy” home.  So it’s no wonder I am addicted to Scentsy pots.
These trinkets are scattered around my home, on each level.
When you walk thru my door, you’ll be hit with the smell of baking on the upper level and something a little more fruity in the basement.

I am driven by my senses.  Having a “happy” home with kids and working 24-7 inside 4 walls ~ it’s the little things that keep me sane.
I am constantly changing out the wax cubes to keep the aroma going. (more…)

DIY ~ Wedding Gift {Photo Coasters}

DIY ~ Wedding Gift {Photo Coasters}…

Looking for that ultimate DIY unique wedding gift?  Lets face it.  Everybody likes to give the “traditional” or perhaps straight off the gift registry.
I find this to be mundane and expected.   The element of surprise when gift giving is key throw in a hint of a WOW factor it’s a gift to be remembered!  by adding special touch to a momentous occasion.  Nobody will be remembered for the amount of money given, or “that” gift that will eventually be forgotten about.
I found a low-budget easy DIY solution.

Customized Photo Coasters.

Photo Coasters

Ok, I know not everyone uses coasters, but there are multiple purposes to these little gems.
For starters, they are unique.
The couple receiving this gift can use these as wall art, by hanging them in clusters, or perhaps to keep a houseplant from leaving marks.
Maybe you like to have a glass of water in bed but don’t want to leave those unsightly water rings on the nightstand.  HAZAAH!!

Use your imagination.  This is a gift that is sure to keep giving no matter how this couple uses them.  Because they house some very special images from their wedding they surely won’t want to forget.

Ok.  Let’s talk shop.  To make these fun little do-dads.


I found white tiles sized 4×4 at the local restore store for {extremely affordable}.
You may also find tiles at a local hardware store, Menards, Lowes, Home Depot.
The important part is to be sure they have a smooth surface.

Next.  Pick up a package of round chair pads.  {they are self-adhesive}
If these are used as coasters, we don’t want the bottom edge of the tile to scratch the surface.
Hindsight after making these I thought maybe felt can be glued across the bottom as a layer of protection?
Either way we don’t want these fabulous coasters to leave marks.Photo Coasters

If you are using these as wall art.  I recommend 3M Velcro hangers.  These are AMAZING!!
And removable should you or your gift recipient decide to change your décor or re-arrange wall art.

Print out your favorite images you’d like to use for this project.
Maybe it’s not pictures, you can recycle fun cards, calendars or funky scrapbook paper.
Choose your top layer design.
Cut the image to the size of the tile.
You will need to cut the top layer  ¼”smaller than the outer edge of the tile.
Any overhang from the top layer may cause the top design to peal away over time.

I used Modge Podge to glue my images onto the clean surface of the tile. {Crafters friend}
You can use diluted Elmers glue as well.
Mod Podge

Once the top layer has been secured and glued to the tile WITH dry time of a few hours or overnight.  Let these dry.
If you try to add the top coat before the image is fully adhered to the tile, the image will move around, wrinkle and will be difficult to work with.  (Lesson learned the hard way)
Add a top coat of modge podge for added protection of your chosen image.

I used a foam brush to apply the modge podge over the top layer.   Apply several coats for protection.
Leave plenty of dry time between each coat so there is no cracking of the modge podge.
Photo CoastersPhoto Coaster

After I created these, I started to think maybe a spray paint, clear acrylic may be an alternative.  I’ll have to try it out next time.  Trial & error to see what works best.  If you have tried this, I’d love to hear from you, maybe even learn a few new tricks for applications!  I will be making these in the future ~  For now, the final product is a unique gift I’m sure any receiving couple would love!

Thank you for checking us out!  Stay Tuned I have lots more coming out of the craft room.

How to Take Great Snapshots of Kids


  • Tip #1: Focus on the Eyes.
    Childrens Photography Childrens Photography Children's Photography

How to Take Great Snapshots of Kids…..We all have heard that “the eyes are the windows to the soul”. I don’t know about that but I do know that when you can clearly see your subjects eyes you feel a more personal connection. The personal connection brings in your audience and makes them really feel and enjoy your picture more. This includes you too.

Focusing on the eyes also ensures that your child’s face will be in focus and not some other random body part!

Before you think to yourself, “I can’t get my kid to sit still long enough for a picture, let alone get them to look at me.” Don’t worry about that. You don’t necessarily need to have your child looking at you to get a great shot. I have some great shots of my kids running away from me!


  • Tip #2: Get Down on Their Level.
    Childrens Photography Childrens Photography

We look at children from above all day long. Kids tend to be shorter than adults. It’s just nature. One way to make us take notice of a photograph of a child is to take a picture from a different perspective then we are used to viewing them. Bend your knees and get down to their level. You will really notice the results!


  • Tip #3: Get Close, Real Close.
    Nature Photography
    oops ~ but you know what I mean- don’t be afraid to zoom & captures those details
    Childrens Photography _DSC0129

Get in there and make their face fill your entire view finder. You can show that beautiful little mug in all its glory by using your zoom feature or just getting in their face. Don’t worry about cutting off the top of their head or chin. If that happens it is fine. If it doesn’t happen it is fine also. Either ways will look great!


  • Tip #4: Be Aware of the Background.

Often when we have our camera in front of our face, we are focusing on what cute thing our little cutie is doing. We sometimes forget about what is behind them and how it is going to look in a picture. If we don’t pay attention to the background we will end up with photos of things that can detract from the beauty of our children. We can also end up with some pretty funny looking pictures – like telephone poles or trees growing out of heads. Not the kind of photo we want to look at over and over!
(sorry no photo’s here– I may have to save my out-takes for a separate blog)


  • Tip #5: Try New Angles.
    Mix it up. Use your camera to look at your child through a new angle. This can be fun and exciting. Try shooting from below or from way above. Try turning your camera a little and tipping it forward. Try laying on the ground or setting your camera on the pillow next to your sleeping baby’s head. Be creative and have fun!
    _DSC0148 Childrens Photography

Since photographing children is never easy, I want to throw in a few Bonus Tips for you as well.

  • If your camera has a Sports Mode or Child Mode, try using that instead of Auto. Those modes are designed to capture clear shots of fast moving subjects and we all know how fast moving our children can be. Especially when you want them to sit still for one simple photograph!!!
    Childrens Photography Childrens Photography _DSC0002
  • Try sticking your wiggly kids in a bucket, basket or other container. The novelty of it will keep them occupied for a few seconds and you can get some fun shots without them running away.
    Children's Photography Children's Photography
    Okay– maybe not what you were thinking, but HEY ~ it contained my kids for a minute so I could grab a quick snapshot
  • Read your camera manual. Learn how to use your camera and all the great features it offers. Each camera has so many really useful and fun features that you can use to get some really creative shots. Don’t be intimidated by that manual. It isn’t really as hard to understand or as boring as you might think. When you finish reading it you will be the master of your camera and your photographs will improve drastically!
  • Shoot, shoot and shoot some more. Take as many shots as you can. Don’t be afraid to take a ton of pictures. You are more likely to get some good ones if you take a whole bunch. Just delete the ones you don’t like and keep the ones you do.
  • Don’t forget to get some photos of you. Often one parent is behind the camera and never ends up in any photos. I’m speaking from personal experience here; make sure that you give the camera to other people or use your timer so that you can be in some shots. This is very important. Your children need to know what you looked like when they were two.  Not my favorite picture, but I decided to hand the camera over to my 4 year old — to capture a brief moment.
    Silly mom picture
  • Relax & Have fun with it!  You never know what you’ll capture.
    Vacation Photo

Taking photos of our children is so important. It freezes memories in a time capsule and helps to convey our feelings and emotions. Our children will be thankful to have photos from their childhood and we will be glad we were able to capture those memories.

Most important, have fun and don’t give up. You won’t be sorry!

Planning a Wedding? ~ Checklist numero uno ~ Choosing your Venue

Are you Planning a Wedding? Checklist – Choosing the Right Venue

It is no hidden surprise as a wedding photographer, I’ve been there, seen that; so I thought it would be nice to highlight a few venues that I have had amazing experiences at.  My hope is to give those planning events a little background information of what’s out there.  Let me do the leg work and help make your planning process a little easier.

Looking for some rustic charm with a bit of whimsy?

Check out the Brick House Getaway located just outside of Centuria WI.

Julie is the coordinator of this amazing location.  She is undeniably wonderful & accommodating to work with, here is just a sampling of what is to offer, but it’s a must-see-it-for-yourself kinda place.

Meet Julie

Q: When did you start operating your locations for weddings?
A: “Our first wedding was our neighbors daughter in 2010.  In 2011 my daughter had her wedding reception in our barn.

Q: What is your most memorable moment while hosting an event?
A: “Each and every wedding is memorable and different.  It’s fun to see how they incorporate their different styles.  I think one of the most memorable moments is when I was showing a recently engaged woman the hayloft and the minute she walked upstairs she started to cry and said it was everything she ever dreamed her wedding would be.
Laura Becker from KARE11 TV was married at the Brickhouse in 2013 and Belinda and Jarred were there so that was pretty amazing.

Our goats and llamas are always a hit with the guests.  I have a playhouse for the children & one wedding there were 5 kids lined up outside the playhouse playing different instruments, but the instruments were pots, pans, spoons they called themselves “From the Kitchen Band”.  I have vintage dresses in the house and one of the bridesmaids ended up liking one from the closet better than the one she brought so she ended up wearing it for the wedding.  Another guest found a wedding dress I had in the closet and loved it so much and wanted to buy it so she could wear it at her wedding, I couldn’t refuse that!
Q: How many guest will your venue seat?
A: Seating in the hayloft for dinner will hold 150 and the ceremony will seat 200.  Some have the ceremony outside and dinner in the hayloft.  Others have had the dinner on the lower level of the barn and ceremony in the hayloft.  Some have the dance outside, sometimes it’s in the hayloft.  There are so many different scenarios to hold your wedding here.  There is room for tents to be set up outside, the Brickhouse does not provide these.”
Q: What other amenities are offered?
A: I have a lot of vintage decor that can be used.  The entire home comes with the rental.  We have a campfire and offer the wood.  We are on-site to help and make sure everything goes smoothly.  We offer hay bales for ceremony seating if they want to have that look.
Q: Are there any limitations on what brides/grooms can not do while hosting a wedding with you?
A: So far we haven’t run into any limitations

Q: What sets you apart from other venues?
A: I would say offering the home for the wedding party and family to stay in for the weekend.  Many have had their rehearsal dinner on Friday night and gift opening on Sunday.  Another thing that sets us apart is the vintage decor, decorations and centerpieces that they are able to use.  We have 5 huge chandeliers in the hayloft, a bar made out of old doors and hay bales.  And we have no mosquitoes!!

There you have it, a little more insight to the most magical wedding location inside Polk County WI!

Stay tuned….. I have a few more Q/A’s up my sleeve.
