Over the past few months, I tucked away the photography equipment for short winter break & took on a hobby of coaching a Destination Imagination team. This program &  these kids have taken us on the ride of a lifetime.   Meet Destination Imagination Team Boogie Knights;  Our story:  

Destination Imagination is a team-based challenge geared for students in the 3-12 grade.  “DI” = destination imagination focuses on leveraging outside the box, creative and critical thinking to solve unique challenges as a team. Each Challenge in this program encourages kids to discover their own talents and abilities, and learn new skills.  Our team Boogie Knights has been practicing for 4 months to pull together our 8 minute performance, build props that help tell our story.  This has been a fun rewarding process to make it this far! 

Team members include:  Claire Johnson, Ruby Demulling, Carter Stueve, Owen Cherney, Reegan Kulzer, Jasmyn Walstead & Ava Schueller {not pictured}.

Our team decided on the Scientific Challenge. 
Medical Mystery. 
The challenge instructions

* research the human body and medical conditions that affect the human body

* create and present a story about a medical mystery that affects a human character

*design and build a representation that shows the medical mystery and at least one symptom

*present an action or scene that is shown from two or more perspectives at the same time

*create and present two team choice elements that show off the teams interest, skills, areas of strengths and talents

Video currently displays only on cell phones & tablets.  If you are viewing on a desktop, we have included an audio clip of our Boogie Knights Commercial or you may {click the 3 dots on the right}  to download the commercial ~Team Boogies

We are looking for Sponsors to help off-set the cost for the team to travel to Global Finals 2019.  Current estimated cost for team Boogie Knights to attend Destination Imagination Global Finals:   $10,504.00  this includes Travel, Hotel, Food and Entrance Fee for the team to perform in this event.

Donations can be made at Hiawatha National Bank {Osceola Location}
C/O Team Boogie Knights *  PO Box 729 * Osceola WI 54020

**Sponsors donating $1000 or more will receive special signage in our Prop Display Case at Global Finals.  With over 8,000+ people visiting daily May 21-25

**Sponsors donating $250 will receive business head shots with TellaStory Photography (*inquire for details)

Grooving our Way to Globals   

~~  Team Boogie Knights 2019  ~~ 

Thank you for your support!

Ask Team Boogies Questions - or Wish us Luck on our Journey!

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