These sessions are about celebrating your family together. It’s a chance to capture moments that illustrate who you are individually & who you are as a family unit. It’s a great opportunity to freshen up your photo stock for the upcoming Christmas Card Bonanza {aka: The Holidays}

Saint Croix Falls, WI
Please note: sessions will be hosted outside, dress for the weather. There may be some walking to the various locations on the property as time allows.
Only 2 Session Dates
Sunday September 25 // 1:00-7:00
Sunday October 9 // 1:00-7:00
**Sessions are scheduled every 30 minutes.
Please arrive slightly early & ready to go. Late arrivals may forfeit the session or reduced session time.
**we hope that weather will be in our favor, in the event that we need to reschedule, we will work with each family to make it happen.
20 minute Sessions + Build your Own Packages; Starting at $150.00
{ala’ carte’} Flash Drives, Digital Downloads, Proof Books, Print Credits, Story Books and so much more!
To reserve your time, please fill in the form below or request a quote to start building your package.
Space is limited & we do not hold times / dates without the deposit.

Kuddos for reading this far – the next step is to leave a message with your information. We will send over a quote so you can start building your custom photo package.