These sessions are about celebrating your family together. It’s a chance to capture moments that illustrate who you are individually & who you are as a family unit. This is a great opportunity to freshen up your photo stock, add a new family photo album to the collection.
Sessions are scheduled & photographed Saturdays & Sundays, with select weekday availability upon request. We can offer location suggestions or we can photograph on-location of your choice.
Thank you for your interest to reserve a session with TSP; We hope after reading through this guide, you will have a better understanding of our photo process.
Building Your Session Package
How do you want to relive your session each time you view the photo’s? Do you prefer a story book format? Do you prefer viewing in digital format? Are you interested in hanging a large Print? The list of questions go on and on…… let’s start with the basics.
TSP sessions are customizeable. All packages include the Digital Viewing Gallery. Decide how you want your images delivered as digital gallery + flash drive + prints + the rest is up to you to decide what fits your style & budget. Are you ready to get started?

Are you getting excited to start planning your session?
Drop us a message below, we can’t wait to get started.