TellaStory In Joy Light

TellaStory In Joy Light

Light + Sound
Attunement Therapy
Lemurian Crystals + Cello SOL
Quantum Holistic Healing

We invite you in to receive an abundant feeling of Peace and Well Being, with deep Relaxation & Increased Energy.  Stress Relief & Increased Ability to Focus.  Explore the potential reversal of Chronic Pain & Illness along with Clearing of Core Issues Causing Present Challenges.

These sessions are unique to each individual, however recipients may experience enhanced Senses – Taste, Sight, Sound, Touch & Smell.  Past life recollections or future vision casting.  We believe energy flows where it is needed most,  it’s your journey, we are the bridge.

Redefine your Sense of Life Purpose


  • Increases intuitive ability
  • Decrease depression
  • Increase a sense of lightness and harmony
  • Eliminate headaches or any physical manifestation of energy stagnation
  • Strengthen your aura

Chromotherapy Vibrational Attunement is a non-invasive application to the ethereal subtle body.  Lights partnered with frequency attuned cello vibrations to engage in the neurowave (mind).  The blending of the lights and sound creates a bridge connecting the whole-self.  The conduit is the amplitude & frequency waves.  Ride the wave of  holistic healing for a balanced:  Body. Mind & Spirit.    READ MORE:  Peer Review Journal Submission.

Quantum Light Services Offered

Lemurian Crystal White Light
Purify & detox

White light healing on a regular basis increases your awareness of yourself as a Light body.  Enhance your sense of self in 30 minutes under the white lights. The frequency of the lights provides natural healing capacity, increasing our overall sense of wellbeing.
Utilizing this holistic alternative healing modality is an awesome way to step into your own power of awareness.

The power of vibrations:  fine tune the energy surrounding your ethereal body.  Intuitively applied to assist with healing & recovery post light session. 

Rainbow Full Spectrum Lights


Guided Journey with deep chakra Healing
Cello Vibrational Sol Songs to reset the wheels.  Reconnect the head & heart centers.  We set an intent – you write the story.  We will guide you there with lights & sound in a private Frequency Attunement


Frequency Artist / Cello Musician
Rebecca Bystrom

Cello has been a part of my life since teenage years.   Where I studied with a private instructor & played in the UMD Orchestra,  concert pit bands and various theater productions.  Cello was my first true love (upon the sounds of the first note I was love struck)

Transitioning into a solo artist has been a journey of discovery.   Finding synchronicity in everyday sounds and patterns.  Music is relatable and applicable in everything we do.

It is with great Joy & Love;  that I get to share many years of musical studies & a passion project in my lifetime.  I am humbled & honored to provide a bridge of understanding for others to heal and feel the soul connection of the cello heartstrings.

Music is life.
P.L.U.R.  {}

Belief systems and philosophies tell us that throughout our bodies there are areas where nerves, veins, and arteries are most dense.  Our vital life force is more concentrated.  These are chakras . There are seven major chakras beginning at the base of the spine and running to the crown of the head.  In Sanskrit, chakra means wheel, and that’s exactly how these bundles function, as a wheel or disk of energy in the body.

Each wheel has its own name and color vibration, and regions of the body that they influence. Our thoughts and emotions impact the chakras and likewise a blockage in one or more can have an impact on how we feel and what we think.  Music Theory and sound application can help reset each wheel house to free flow state. 

Sessions are held in the Office located:
235 S Main Street  //  Luck WI 54853
Pop up events & Travel Session upon request

As with many of Subtle Energy Healing Therapies, the FDA states no claims can be made that any dis-ease can be cured. The information we provide on this website is for the purposes of entertainment and information only and is not given as professional medical advice. If you have a health problem, medical emergency, dial 911 or for health question, we recommend you contact your healthcare provider. The products provided by  are for decoration purposes and are not intended to cure, treat or diagnose any medical conditions.

All Rights Reserved 2024

Songs of Freedom – On an Angels Wings

Rise Up Angels

Putting a voice into an art piece – has unleashed a new world of epic proportions, A shift using creative Art Therapy as a means to release the darkness from within ~ Art made with the Heart.  From darkness to Light, all will be set right.  Here we go, the message is simple.


Shattered Heart, Broken Bones
Fragmented into a million pieces
Quietly collect the pieces one by one
Twist them back together
In the shadows of the night.
Fate turned it into something beautiful
Because we knew you could.


I believe in you,
Be the Light and Shine on my Friends.  Hold space for others and share compassion, intermixed with kindness
{NOW}  that is sweet music to my ears.  No matter what and no matter where, you are never alone.  There is always music.

Good Vibes only – old friends & new friends






Broken Record Angel Wings —  a free standing Art piece.

The creation phase is complete and locations for display is currently in development. Where these wings travel; resides in gods hands now.


A sing-song message.




My Story  “A Hero’s Journey”  B-Everlasting Love.  Life after Life ~ There and back again.

I have struggled my whole life to put my thoughts into words.  Like my insides are disconnected, but I never understood why?  This excerpt is an unfolding of a few chapters in my time here Earthside.

Where do we begin?  It’s natural we start at the beginning, but what if we share this story from reverse?  Is it strange and confusing?  Does it boggle your mind to see things from the ending?  My starting point is in 1986.  A time period when an experience road blocked me & changed my life forever.  This event was an accident that has transitioned me into NOW:
I died at the age of 5.  That’s the short story.

Read the extended version:   READ ME
Watch NDE interview: Watch HERE
Watch NDE interview: Watch Here
Interview on Vintage Mother:  Listen Here

This is a story about life – death, overcoming fear & tossing all the doubt right out the window.  Surviving & thriving post complex PTSD.  That’s how this all started.  I am humbled, grateful and honored that I get to stand today & share a perspective of my why.  How’s that for beautiful change?

What is Complex PTSD?
Have you experienced this yourself?  Do you know someone who has gone through deep trauma?  Upon IMPACT – it changes your entire body make up.  Including the cellular levels.  The influx of cortisol in the body shocks it into seeing from another perspective if you are lucky to survive the impact.

Psychology today defines C-PTSD
Complex post-traumatic stress disorder describes a set of disruptive symptoms that emerge after experiencing inescapable traumatic life events.  Especially those of a horrific or threatening nature or which recur or accumulate over a period of time.

US Government defines PTSD
Many traumatic events (e.g.. car accidents, natural disasters etc.) are of time limited duration.  However in some cases people experience chronic trauma that continues or repeats for months or years at a time.  Some have suggested that the current PTSD diagnosis does not fully capture the severe psychological harm that occurs with prolonged, repeated trauma.  Treatment considerations for those with such complex trauma histories are reviewed.

Medical New Today states:  Traditional PTSD will affect nearly 7% of people in the US at some point in their lives.  Who is of the lucky 7%??

I am Sorry
I Forgive You
Thank You
I Love You
~ Ho’oponopono

These are just a few issues that may arise if you are labeled with PTSD – everyone processes & handles it differently.

  • Behavior difficulties (impulsivity, aggressiveness, sexually acting out)
  • emotional difficulties (rage, depression, and panic)
  • Cognitive difficulties (dissociation, pathological changes in personal identity)
  • Interpersonal difficulties (chaotic personal relationships)
  • Somatization (many visits to medical practitioners)

What makes this topic even “more fun”  – extended exposures to these traumatic events will cause havoc on all levels – Mind – Body – Spirit mis-alignment.

Basically my entire life has been a big mess until I decided to grab the ropes and help myself.


I fly alone – like a lone wolf howling at the moon – I cried, I wandered outside aimlessly – I cried some more as I fell into more isolation.  Alone with my thoughts and the feeling of not being able to ask for help is real.  That is a vast feeling that is seeded deep into the roots.  These inescapable rooted issued extended my healing & recovery time.

I was taught to be strong and fight for what you believe in.  It’s a good thing I believed in myself when the world and everyone I knew gave up on me.  I am thankful that my parents were able to help me sort my life out post divorce.  They helped me when I needed assistance.  Pride may have driven my parents boat, but they humbled themselves and honored my choice to walk away from a 10 year marriage with 4 kids under 9 to raise alone.  Little did I know that this divorce would be pro-longed 7 years plus a nasty custody battle that never seemed to end.  It was a roller-coaster and volatile time in my mid-life crisis.  My sole focus was my kids.  Helping them stay involved and holding them up so they did not feel the wrath of the evil that kept pounding at the door.  There was no place safe except within the shelter of my parents home.  I needed 24 hour protection while away from the marital home.  My ex hand turned to his darkest moments of unpredictability.  I was victim of his predictable patterns for over 10 years.  I took what was coming to me – beaten, physically & emotionally abused, controlled, manipulated, gas lighted & projected onto all while I made excuses to cover it up.  downplayed how bad life had gotten.  By the time I got the courage to leave the marriage, I was downright fearful of my life.  I was afraid that he would completely snap into a sociopath status.  Unpredictable and unwilling to stop until I was dead.  For his satisfaction.  Honestly his actions truly lived up to all my fears – as if I was the screen play writing of what was happening.  I was not wrong to feel the extreme depths of fearful living.  His actions were proof in the pudding that need to justify the reasons why I left.  As I clutched onto my reasons why – I was fragmented into a million fearful fireflies – spread across space time.  Divided & stretched thin, living inside a glass house display in our small town life.

It has been 12 years post divorce.  37 years post near death incident.  I would like to think that we have moved along, however there are still those urges of fear that pipe up out of the blue – turn my neck hairs into shackle pins standing on end – frightened + heightened awareness.  Sadly I do not know if any of this will ever go away.  I have learned how to calm myself – so it’s effects do not wipe me off the emotional map for a day, a week, a month or up to a year+  Depression is a dirty b-iotch.  Complex PTSD is more of a witch’s b-iotch.  Put them together it’s hell in a handbag of toxic Ph-un?? (Smart One)

Sorting the pieces, taking life day by day – seems like an ok place to accept what happened.  Slowly growing in my ability to trust myself and turn on my intuition once again as I unlock pieces of myself.  I find there are still more doors to open – dig deeper into the abyss of my eternal self.  At what point do you know you are done ??  Perhaps we are never truly done healing until we die at the end of this life.  That’s when everything will be clear again.  Will we miss being earthside ?  Or is it just as exciting acting and helping others thru the veil of understanding?  Perhaps that is the cycle we must ride & fall to find out.

Am I

Aside from the obvious: Female, 42, mother to 6 womb fruits.  My full time gig being available for my crew while carving out moments for me — to be B — whatever I need on any given day.

I have found solace in photographing weddings for nearly 20 years. LOVE is very present on a wedding day.  That is a high vibe frequency that I can taste, touch, hear & smell.  MY HAPPY PLACE!!  Capturing those moments that disappear too quickly.  I love to share those reminiscent trinkets candidly, the nuances of laughter or a glance from a significant other to a mate.  Dinner served up pretty on the plate while surrounded by all your favorite people.  The day curated & designed:  built upon family & love.  Every wedding has offered me insights on what it means to be in love.  How each couple surrounds themselves with those they cherish the most.  All of this sparks me at the soul level.

Over the past 20 years I am honored to have captured over 350+ weddings.  NO JOKE – lots of time in the trenches – zero regrets – time well spent learning. IMHO

Music has always played a part in my life.  I started piano at the age of 7 and studied under a variety of teachers.  Classical, Suzuki, Pop, Rock & Jazz.  I learned the black and white of the keys.  Music has always spoken to me, provided a safe harbor to play my heart into sounds.  What does your theme song sound like?  I have been composing a life song – since I was 14.  It’s built upon added to during different time periods in my life.   Each movement has carried me in the dark and in the light.  Reflections from my heart, that speak my soul and the reason I am who I am now.

The day I found my cello was the first day I felt ALIVE!  Ignition upon first bow & good sound.   It was a connection point that spun my mind and sparked my heart full of JOY.  full throttle!  Intentionally I practiced daily.  The sound of a dead moo-ing cow was so loud in the house, my mother claimed to have the best gardens around town that summer.  I can’t deny that claim – the flowers were always so beautiful to see outside and around my childhood home.  I had a “normal” upbringing.  Went to college and continued to pursue music & Forensic Science.  Yup – I was a science junky.  I enjoyed DNA mapping and testing hypothesis with chemical analogies.   Chemical properties & macro life things gave me a place to deep dive into potentials and what if questions.  It was child splay.

I lived the college life to the fullest.  DDD: Dancing. Drinking. Drugs.  Repeat daily.  I was searching for life in the social aspects, in all the wrong ways & found nothing.  Except the school of hard knocks & failing all my classes.  I had a choice to make – leave school – or change majors.   I opted to try something different.  I finished college with a degree in Interior Design, with an in depth study of color theory application.  How colors affect our home environments and our moods.  Are you happily surrounded by your 4 walls in your house or do they feel suffocating ?

Why am I here?

Photography + Music
=sights + sounds.   Things that I have always known in this life and previous lives.  At a crossroads when 2 of my favorite things come together in one place.

to be continued . . .



What’s Next?

The universe has a funny way of responding to our calls.  Post dust bowl of my life; I have found myself in the solo musician seat,  As a frequency attuned cello artist.   You can find more information in our Peer review journal submission:  READ MORE

Check out the website, please excuse the mess we are still in development mode. 

Website:  TellaStory In Joy Light

These angel wings are dedicated to Anyone who has suffered in silence. Abuse & hate in any form is not welcome.  Believe in yourself.   You are not alone. You are a warrior.

Rise up to sing your songs of freedom.

I speak up In honor of my children, who give me the courage everyday to do better, for me – for us & all humanity.



Are you struggling ? Need help ? Mental break or just a place to vent,  I am safe harbor.

Providing a variety offerings – or can give direction on who to contact next.  Please reach out – I’d love to hear from you.

Hello I am B – the designer of these wings.
“nice to meet you”  What’s your story ??

< use the arrow sliders to view our credentials.>


12 + 1 =

Mermaid Tails a magical tale for the dreamers

Mermaid Tails





If you are a believer in all things, and a dreamer of magical creatures, than this is the perfect session to sign up for!

*Customizable Sessions with ala’ carte pricing
*Starting at $99
* Includes use of: mermaid tail & crown
*Flexible scheduling:  evenings & weekends
* Local locations will be available upon reservation; we are open to new spaces & new ideas!


We wholeheartedly believe in magic and providing inspiration for anyone who is brave enough to seek their dreams.
Dreams are meant to be intertwined with reality, where anything is possible.
P.L.U.R. {Peace.Love.Unity.Respect}






8 + 4 =

Style Guide {Family Edition}

TellaStory Photography

Clothing Style Guide :  What to wear for your Session {Family Edition}

Comfort is Key!!  Choose clothing that makes you feel like a millions bucks and flatters your body shape. You will feel like yourself and your confidence will shine in every photo.

The good news, you can shop directly from your closet!!  If you need an excuse to buy new, I’m all for that too!  What’s your Style?  A little planning will go a long ways when it comes to pulling the outfits together.

What should you wear?  I may not be able to answer that 100% – I am not a style queen;  But I do know some amazing stylist who are happy to help pull your wardrobe look together, let me know if you’d like the referral.  This list was curated from a photographers perspective.  Less is more with special elements & “pop” layers.  Some things to think about as you prepare for our session together

Color & Texture

Have fun with layers as you plan your wardrobe.  Flat fabrics & neutrals may sound like great choices, but don’t limit yourself.  Dig deep into your closet for complimentary colors, or shades of the same color to bring that pop of contrast and style to your look.

Choose colors that compliment your hair & skin tone. Adding a pop of color may bring out the color in your eyes and make you sparkle. As a general rule of thumb, stay away from bright neon colors, they can reflect on your skin and distract from your face.  Stick with solid colors, the tend to stay in style.  A simple white tee and jeans create that simple classic and timeless look.


Adding accessories can give a quick change and really bring the look together.  Hats, Scarves, jackets or favorite belt.

Undergarments {the right stuff}

Consider the underwear styles required for each outfit
IE:  nude panties under light color clothing

Certain tops may call for a strapless bra
IE: spaghetti strap spring dress, or that new sheer cute Cami.

While, My photo shop skills are good but may not be “thaaaat” good to fix – wardrobe mishaps and outsourcing editing is a must.  We hope to avoid this, by planning ahead – and potentially saving you $$ for those extra editing fee’s.

Stay True to Your Style

A great way to express yourself is through clothing. BE YOU and don’t get sucked into every trend. Choose outfits that are timeless and classic. Trust me. You’ll look back at your portraits 20 years from now and still love them.

Ready to book a session date with TSP?

The next steps is to drop us a message and we can get you starting building your session collection.  We keep this part ala' carte, allowing us to customize your photo package 100%  From start to finish.

Do you have more questions?  


10 + 6 =

Love will set you Free

We, unaccustomed to courage
exiles from delight
live coiled in shells of loneliness
until love leaves its high holy temple
and comes into our sight
to liberate us into life.

Love arrives
and in its train come ecstasies
old memories of pleasure
ancient histories of pain.
Yet if we are bold,
love strikes away the chains of fear
from our souls.

We are weaned from our timidity
In the flush of love’s light
we dare be brave
And suddenly we see
that love costs all we are
and will ever be.
Yet it is only love
which sets us free.

Maya Angelou was a brave woman who spoke her mind.  As I read myself to sleep each night, I’m seeking comfort in her words.  With each paragraph, a creative thought has flowed through me and onto the page.  I have been searching and trying to regain traction in my personal life as well as my business.  A new creative push to constantly move forward yet remaining intact with my roots.  Who I am.  What I want to portray.  And how to spread that message.  I am a creative….. with that means I don’t sit still for very long, constantly moving to the next project.  Sometimes abandoning a project because something bigger, better comes up.  Other times I travel by minute- without any focus at all and spontaneously creating whatever I feel like at the moment.  This is one of those moments where spontaneity hit me.
With Love.
We live in a world so dark and cold, wanting to understand each other and be so bold.
But nobody speaks.
We watch our brothers and sisters fight, we watch our soldiers die.
But nobody speaks.
Why does this have to be so hard?  In the depths of my soul I can feel the turmoil
Yet nobody speaks.
To be heard, to make a sound, is to be ridiculed and scorned.
Bashed about, thrashed about, spoken behind one’s back.
But nobody speaks out-loud to each other.
Not of good, not of laughter, but of the hatred of mankind.
So love your brother, love your sister, love your friend.  May you always seek love, and spread it all around.  Until that time, when we can share and everybody with speak about the darkness that gathers in the pit of our soul.
Love is the answer.  Love is the key to unlock the secrets of the deep dark abyss.
May you always find love.  Shine love.  Share love like it has no end.